Friday, August 10, 2012


G.I.Gurdjieff (1877-1949) was born in Alexandropol, (between Russia and Turkey) and trained in Kars as both a priest and a physician. For some twenty years, Gurdjieff travelled in the remotest region of the Central Asia and the Middle East in search of a hidden knowledge with a group of Remarkable Men. These years were crucial in the moulding of his thought. On his return, he began to gather pupils in Moscow before the first World War and continued his work with a small party of followers while moving, during the year of the Russian revolution, to Essentuki in the Caucasus, and then through Tiflis, Constantinople, Berlin and London to the Chateau du Prieuré near Paris, where he re-opened his Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man in 1922 on a larger scale.
G. I. Gurdjieff -Meetings with Remarkable Men-

G.I.Gurdjieff used the word "WORK" as inner-search for self-development.
He gave particular attention to the body as a tool, for the WORK, through the practice of Sacred Dances and Movements, inner exercises and self observation, both while dancing and specially in normal life situations.
One of his most famous statement related to it is:
"Remember yourself always and everywhere."

The Sacred Dances or Movements come from very ancient traditions, some practiced and transmitted orally in hidden monasteries. They came to be known at the beginning of the last century thanks to G.I. Gurdjieff who, after mastering the science of the Dances, and creating many new ones, started teaching them.
Not following any particular religion or philosophy, the Sacred Dances include the essence of all religions. The Sufi influence can be seen in some; many others are based on the Enneagram's mathematical structure, spiritual and esoteric meaning. Others again come from Christian, Buddhist, Islamic and Greek traditions. Each Dance is composed of a series of postures done to specific piano music, created to take the dancers to a place where they can no longer rely on mechanical procedure to perform the dance; but must instead stay present and open to a wisdom from within. The dancer then, may begin to experience their meaning.

To me, the Sacred Dances are the expression of some higher power, and they can give to the practitioner the experience of something sacred rising spontaneously from within. I experience their sacredness and meaning at different levels:

- The body positions and sequences are very unusual: this is the first step towards sensing the body differently from the way I do habitually in daily life.
- Each position has different effects on the body's energy; increasing flow, leading to a sense of energetic balance and sometimes releasing energetic blocs.
- The practice of the Sacred Dances can result in improved:
         - body coordination; by working on the left and right brain hemispheres.
         - body balance; by developing the sense of 'grounding' and of accurate body awareness.
         - body posture; by creating relaxation through becoming aware of tensions.
         - Some people experience healing effects from practicing the Dances.

- I become more detached and even non-identified with my emotions during the practice and this carries over into my daily life.
- I learn to distinguish between real emotions and what Gurdjieff calls 'identifications'.
- I experience a deeper connection with my heart, that depends less on outside causes like the approval of others. I feel acceptance, surrender, letting go and trust rising naturally, as well as a profound gratitude to All.

- I notice clearly when my attention is taken away by irrelevant thinking and this improves my ability to be present.
- I become aware of and understand my habitual behavior patterns.
- I realize how my mental state can effect my body and emotions.
- I connect more easily with higher mental states like watchfulness and intuition.

When I surrender to the postures of the Dances with their meaning; to the impact of the music with its vibration, and I stay present to all that is happening in that moment on the three levels described above, I experience the direct touch of the Sacred. Each time this comes with a new manifestation and a different flavor. From this space I can recognize a very gentle yet very strong power - something like a Master or a God - hidden in the Dances. These experiences lead me to see myself from a higher level of consciousness, and it is this that I aim to share through my work and the teaching of the Sacred Dances. These above are only words in which I describe my experience.


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