
International Theater of Mysteries and White Shadow Organization presents:

Unique style of spiritual dance created by Marco Nektan and Aleksandra Bjelajac (The Theater of Mysteries) - Galdrtanz – Shamanic journey of The Rune Dance:
Galdrtanz is an active system of spiritual flow that consists of the assumption of runic positions or moves for spiritual effect... Moves and postures form some part of almost every metaphysical or spiritual school. The can be seen from the simple folding of hands in prayer to the extremely complex system of asanas in the Indian hatha yoga school, trough ritual dances of shamans to whirling of Sufis. Galdrtanz is balanced in this respect. The number and intricacy of the moves are varied enough to be expressive of the wide variety of forces present, with maximum focus and opening to the energies. ...Galdtanz is used as a mode of psychological integration and personal transmutation, and it is also employed as a tool of spiritual and artistic liberation.
Parts of workshop: introduction in to spiritual usage of Runes; Runic Yoga and Rune Dance; Meditation on every rune; Rune Postures and Rune Moves; Rune Spiral Dance; Rune Mystic Dance; Rune Healing Dance; Rune Performance…

Evolution of Spirit
Holistic approach to artistic expression use different techniques of spiritual expression through art, which is how the original art was created at the very beginning.Different cultures, nations and spiritualties were finding different ways through dance, music, painting, theatre to express their wishes and deep respect to higher powers...
We are witnessing a new era when we use the techniques of yoga, traditional dance and meditation, for healing and spiritual progress. In this case, various techniques of meditation, chakra system, the universal peace dance– Sufi, Tensegrity - Carlos Castaneda,  African healing dance, Euritmy- Rudolf Steiner, etc. are used for the purpose of artistic creation and expression  as well for spiritual opening and expanding the boundaries of consciousness ... By using  movement, artistic creativity and spirituality, we bring back to art  its original values ​​...
The inspiration for the workshop Evolution of Spirit we find in ancient legends, myths, rituals and mysteries of spiritual and mystical forces and powers of the universe. Metaphysical elementsof ritual are integral part of the workshop which aims to invoke the inspiration and in a state of altered consciousness we create an art work.
As we have already mentioned regarding the concept of ritual: at the very beginning of art, no matter which branch of thought, was used only for purpose of rituals. In ancient time man was painting what he wished, danced a ritual dance around  fire and sung invocations to appease majeure forces.
Workshop participants will experience channelling the energies, archetypes and abstractions to the joint forces which tells the story of philosophy, just like people did in ancient times.This workshop aims to ultimate wisdom which can open completely new world for participants, world of miracles.
Workshop Evolution of Spirit is the artistic workshop of deepest darkness of our hearts which makes you dancing wild and free, holy philosophy of mysteries...
Enter the worldArt of Mysteries, and open your hearts!

Geist Butoh

Butohdance is a technique that teaches us to explore our own internal spaces, to search for the impulse and source of movement.
Geist  butoh (spiritual dance) is in harmony  with present  time and new  flow of energies- time of rising energies (connected with transition of our planet  from short to long waves). 

TatsumiHijikata with his technique Ankoku Butoh (dance of darkness) gave us the experience of perceiving our inner darkness and revealing dark parts of our unconscious.  Geist Butoh is aiming to find again a power of light in this dark depths and to open the inner being for most subtle vibrations  that it can reach  highest inspiration where conscious body with its dance creates a new  trails in energetic  web. 

This approach to dance is designed for those who want to open for subtle reality, for those who wish to get rid of the character (imposed roles) and dance life with true identity.

3 days workshop with 2 instructors / in the end of third day is public performance… 

Informations about costs and agenda of workshop will be soon... 

For more information, you can contact e-mail: or phone: +381654125695

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