
Biographies of Artists and Workshop Lecturers

Marco Nektan (born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia) is multimedia artist: Visual Artist, Photographer and Performance artist, Dancer, Choreographer, Art Manager, Author and Eastern European Shaman. He studied at European University in Belgrade, Budapest and Prague: Management of Culture, Media and Art History. For many years he was member of performance art group “Corpus Artisticum”, trough which he grow up as an accepted international artist, which some of the art pieces are now in Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. He was founder and leader of performance art group “Un-LTD Art” and founder, director and author of Theater of Mysteries and Mystery Art Philosophy and Concept. From 1995 till 2004 he was dancer in one of the biggest Serbian dance companies “Beodance”. He is creator of unique style of spiritual dance: Galdrtanz – The Rune Dance. Marco Nektan has exhibited and performed at: International “six events” project, UK (2008), V.I.P. Art Gallery, Serbia (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009), Smokey Gallery, Canada (2007), Design Week, Serbia (2007), April Meetings, Serbia (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010), Kibla, Slovenia (2007), International Biennale of Extended Media, Serbia (2007), IMAF, Serbia (2007), Act Art 5, UK (2007), INFANT, Serbia (2008), Night of Museum, Serbia (2009,2010), Festival Samhain, Serbia (2009), Festival Patosofiranje, Serbia (2009), Electro Body Art Year Project (2011, 2012), Workshop: Mystery Art and Rune Dance, Serbia (2012),Workshop: Rune Dance, Switzerland (2012)… As Shaman he was trained by Elder of Eastern European Tradition sins 1998 till 2003, and sins then he was initiated and practiced many different techniques of spiritual practice (Anthroposophy, 4th way – Sufi Dances, Shamanism, Huna, Orisha, Feri Tradition, Tantra Yoga, Budistic Meditation, Wicca, Asatru…), which inspired him to combine art and spirituality and create his solo art style and Mystery Art.

Aleksandra Bjelajac (born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia) is designer, painter, dancer and choreographer. She has a variety of art educations: School for Design/Belgrade, Academy for Restoration and Conservation of Serbian Ancient Arts/ Belgrade, MAPA-Moving Academy for Performing Arts /Belgrade-Amsterdam, IFA (INTEATRO Festival Accademy) Polverigi – Italy. She learned  different dance and theatre techniques : ballet, modern, jazz dance, contemporary dance, release, improvisation, contact improvisation, Horton & Cunningham, Butoh, Hawkins Technique, Alexander technique, Dance history, Drama acting, traditional Indonesian dance, physical theatre, mime. Aleksandra was a member of ERG status dance theatre/Belgrade, where she worked as dancer, dance teacher, assistant of choreographer and choreographer. She was assistant of Butoh Master Mr. Katsura Kan and a member of his international dance group.
In  1999 starts with professional work, participating in numerous multimedia and international projects and festivals, also in projects for children and youth, projects for peace in Serbia and abroad (Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, UK, France, and Lebanon).  In 2008 Aleksandra established artistic group BELA SENKA in Belgrade; members of the group are artists from different art fields who experiment about connection between dance, physical theatre, music and fine arts.
Here work was strongly influenced by her teachers: Zdravko Vajagic (Painter) and Katsura Kan (Butoh Master).
Till now she realized many performances as an author, dancer and koreographer (“Simbol”-author with Aleksandra Dejanovic/1999,  "Svetopopravitelj"- directed by Stevan Bodroza/2004, "Chair"-solo dance/2004,“Wellentanz” solo dance/2005, "Dark Tea-Time"/2005, Reflection/2008, “Black-white”/2010, “About pomegranate”/2011) and exhibitions ("Wellentanz”/2005, “Bela senka”/2008, “Slobodna slika”/2010, “One”/2012).
Inevitable in the work of Aleksandra Bjelajac is a spiritual approach to artistic creation. Important component of her artistic research is research in the field of conscious cognition and energy sciences. She is a member O.I.V.E. (acronym in French) which means “The International Organization of Way of the Agreement."

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